Monday, September 19, 2011

Doesn't Stop There

Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.
Colossians 1:10 NLT 

It's September (almost October, almost November, almost CHRISTMAS!) and now I can officially say that the pure joy I had planted deep  in my heart from camp was not just a "camp high."  Even for a staffer I could see where this could be a problem, not just for kids.  But over and over, our director reminded us how our ministry should continue, how it doesn't stop there.

Being back in the "real world" has been a crazy-amazing blessing.  I miss my kids like crazy and I think of their sweet faces and jokes and stories often, but I am glad to be going through my normal college-coffee-Christ (yeah, I just made that up) routine.  And not in that order, mind you :).  Why in the world would I be so happy to be back to stressful nights of studying, yelling at Blackboard, and getting up for 8am class?  Because God has seriously been BLOWING MY MIND!

For once in my life, I feel like things are coming together.  Granted, every time I think I have God figured out, He throws some fun little surprises in there, but still.  I really feel like He's seriously constantly at work.  Aren't we all always supposed to know that?  Yes, but wait until you really know it.  Wait until you feel it.  

So you probably know I changed my major (again).  It's funny how you say you'll NEVER 1.) be a teacher and 2.) major in anything to do with art.  Bummer.  Because you'll come right back to it. I gave up becoming a nurse and an occupational therapist for something much less cool-sounding, but I don't care.  I can honestly say I've never been happier about my career-to-be or been so sure of it.  PLus, I don't know if they'd let me Bedazzle scrubs.  God provides calling? :)

Something else that has been pretty cool is that I have been blessed with the need and want to grow within our BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministry).  What's even cooler is that at the same time God laid getting super plugged-in to college ministry by BCM on my heart, they felt the need to form a full worship band.  Crazy?  Yeah, I know.  I have been graciously blessed with the opportunity to lead worship with a group of beautiful people who are so willing to give their hearts and time for the glory of Christ and becoming men and women of worship.  They are SO awesome!  I am so thankful for this.  To me, it's a perfect picture of the sovereignty of God and His plan...even when I don't deserve it.

Crazy things are happening in my life and I love it.  This is really what it's like living for Christ!  I don't want you to think I'm bragging or boasting or blogging (alliteration not intended) just to show you "how great of a Christian I am."  Psh.  I will never be able to say that, nor do I ever deserve to.  But maybe sharing will let someone, just one person, see how important and beautiful and AMAZING it is to grow in Christ.  It reminds me of a time God slammed a pretty little lesson right in front of me.  I was going through a friend's photos on Facebook a year or two back.  She was young and still in high school, but she had a baby.  As I clicked through the pictures of the day her baby was born, I was thinking about her whole situation.  It had to be scary.  It surely wasn't right.  I would never make a decision like that.  But then right in the middle of my judgement that wasn't even mine to do, I saw it.  The expressions on her face, on the father's face, were so priceless as they gazed at their newborn daughter.  It was just a look of pure love.  That's when I realized, even while I'm disagreeing with and judging what other people are doing, even when I'm living just a normal life, God is working still.  He was still working all around me, even if I wouldn't let Him work in me.  Truth bombs.  Since then, I have never wanted to stop growing in God.

I think that the verse at the beginning sums it all up.  You didn't have to even read my rambling to understand the awesome-ness of God's word He revealed to me today.  Revel in that verse.  Soak it up.  Dance around the room to the sound of it.  And grow.

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